For Sale Corsair Spiced Rum 750ML

Corsair Spiced Rum 750ML
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Corsair Spiced Rum 750ML Details & Features

CORSAIR ARTISAN DISTILLERY , Corsair Artisan Distillery specializes in producing hand-crafted, small production, premium spirits. Using traditional copper potstills, owners Andrew Webber and Darek Bell produce a few cases from each batch. This labor-intensive and costly approachis a throwback to a time when master blenders, not machines created taste and flavor.Within months of opening their first distillery in Bowling Green, KY, Corsair Artisan Gin was awarded a Gold Medal at theprestigious San Francisco Spirit Competition. Their efforts continue to garner awards and a second distillery was opened in2010 in Nashville. Mavericks at heart, Andrew and Darek blend innovative techniques with traditional distillation methods tocreate unique, artisanal spirits of distinction.. (92) Comprised of Madagascar vanilla bean, orange peel, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, anise and all spice with othersustainably harvested spices and botanicals, it was aged in new American oak barrels.. The complex but nuanced flavor of thisspiced rum complements a myriad of cocktails. Liquor ...

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