Best Buy Spellbinders S4-355 Shapeabilities Layered Flowers Die Templates

If you are trying decide to buy Spellbinders S4-355 Shapeabilities Layered Flowers Die Templates worthy and huge saving. Dont spend your more time ! We really provide the best and lowest price on Spellbinders S4-355 for you through our researched from numerous online retailers price. Check today special offer and get huge discount on Spellbinders S4-355 to avoid your disappointment.
This Spellbinders S4-355 is available at Amazon for a special price. Click this link to take advantage of this offer!

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This Spellbinders S4-355 is available at Amazon for a special price. Click this link to take advantage of this offer!

Here are some of the great features of Spellbinders S4-355 Shapeabilities Layered Flowers Die Templates

Spellbinders S4-355, Create custom dimensional flower designs with the Shapeabilities Layered Flowers die templates from Spellbinders. Flower patterns stack and layer with the slightly larger solid base. Three fun patterns produce different styles of blossoms to make your flowers linear, swirly or lattice-like. Die cut and emboss with patterned paper for unlimited options. Spellbinders Shapeabilities cut, emboss and stencil with a single die template. Use individually or nested together for perfect mats or use them to create frames and shaped cards. Unique and versatile, Spellbinders Shapeabilities die templates are a quick and easy way to bring a professional look to any paper craft project. Approximate die template sizes are Lines: 1-7/8-inch, Swirls: 1-7/8-inch, Pattern: 1-7/8-inch and Shadow: 2-1/8-inch.

  • Shapeabilities layered flowers create custom dimensional flower patterns
  • Three patterns product different styles on top of the solid base
  • Spellbinders shapeabilities cut and emboss and stencil with a single die template
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