I've deep researched information about Wiese & Krohn 30 Years Old Tawny Port NV 750ml 750 ml. So, that is the cheapest Wiese Krohn 30 with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy Krohn through this page.
Here are some of the great features of Wiese & Krohn 30 Years Old Tawny Port NV 750ml 750 ml
Wiese Krohn 30, 93 points Wine Enthusiast 80 list The old gold color promises a long-aged wine. Fruit has gone, morphing into almond and walnut flavors, tense acidity, great concentration and a smooth unctuous texture. It's a superb Port, offering calm contemplation. abv 20.5. Apr 2012 Producer notes An old Tawny with great complexity and the typical aromas and flavors of wood aged Ports, with lots of nuts and caramel. Excellent with desserts such as cheese, cakes, tarts and milk chocolate.
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